
Leave Feedback

Please use our secure online form to give us your feedback (anonymously if you prefer). We would like to hear about your good experiences at Mawbey Group Practice as well as where you feel we could do better.

  Leave Feedback

You can find more feedback about our practice under the following pages:

  • Reviews – Please feel free to look at past reviews from our patients.
  • Patient Participant Group – The practice has an active Patient Participation Group which has worked with the practice during the last year to improve the service provided and contribute ideas for future change and development.
  • Patient Survey – The information below is taken from the 2013 GP Patient Surveys. People registered at general practices across England were asked how easy or difficult it is for patients to see or speak to a doctor at their practice. The results for this practice are depicted below.
  • Procedure for Complaints – This procedure sets out the Practice’s approach to the handling of complaints and is intended as an internal guide which should be made readily available to all staff